"The greatest journey begins with a single step."

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 58
Read: Alma 42-43

Mark: Alma 42:14-15

“How great the wisdom and the love
That filled the courts on high
And sent the Savior from above
To suffer, bleed and die!”
~ Hymn 195

How does understanding the Fall help you more fully love Jesus and appreciate what He did for us?

Day 59
Read: Alma 44-46


  1. Well I don't think anyone will actually read this, based on the volume of comments received in, oh say, the last two weeks, but just for the record, we are trying to cover two days at a time to make up for lost ground. Anyone else out there who is making a desperate effort... I applaud you and wish us all lots of luck!

  2. Well Cari,I do read the comments, but as I am about 20 days behind schedule, I rarely post one! I am plugging along and feel it worthwhile even though I am behind.

  3. Hi Stephanie! I feel the same way you do- I may not be on schedule, but it's definitely a good thing in my life and I'm just going from there- I think a lot of life is like that- I mean really, how much of my life is "on schedule"? I can either let it make me crazy, (which I sometimes do) or I can be calm and patient- keeping the big picture in mind. (much harder) :)
